Sandplay is an intuitive process that uses sand and symbols to awaken the unconscious in order to resolve our current issues. We work with objects and physical symbols that reflect psychic content, and that represent events and situations in our inner and outer lives. It is a non-rational, non-linear process that evokes the preverbal awareness and long forgotten parts of the unconscious inner child, with all his or her inner landscapes and relationships. It can be used to explore potential futures, intentional manifestation, relationship and health issues, work life, dreams, and other dimensions of reality.
The psyche possesses a natural ability to heal itself, given the right environment. When we play, when we are held in an attentive sacred space, our psyche will naturally find its way back to wholeness, showing the steps that can be taken up to this point in our evolution.
When we enter into a sandplay room, we are entering into a rich world of imaginary possibilities and deep symbolic language. The images offer us a unique opportunity to explore our own psyche and understand our process without using a lot of language, as the sandtray becomes our story/world. Most of the time the choice of symbols and their placement is always so exact for us, that unless it feels right, the symbol will hold no meaning.
Sometimes the symbols can open stuck places that may need further conversation or emotional release work away from the sandtray, such as breathwork or physical movement or sounding of feelings. If this occurs, practices are offered to assist in the further integration of the process underway.
Sandplay is particularly suited for those with a willingness to journey within and open to a sense of child-like play and discovery. The process of Sandplay activates the right brain, which is the non-verbal, non-logical, image making aspects of thought. The right brain is what we use when we draw, paint, write a poem, listen to music, or dance, etc. As we engage with the sacred objects in the world of Sandplay, we come to the resolution of our issues from a deeply intuitive and profound place.